Wood River Tennis is dedicated to fostering a vibrant and inclusive tennis community in the Wood River Valley. We strive to make tennis accessible to adults of all ages and skill levels. By connecting members to recreational and competitive play, instruction, and a community of players, we aim to ensure that tennis remains a thriving and integral part of the Wood River Valley in Idaho.
Our goals
Benefits of membership
Our mission
Join us to play, find a hitting partner, get instruction from the pros, and compete. We help organize tennis players into playing Blocks. Ultimately, it’s about laughing a lot and with friends!
Come shape the future of tennis in the Wood River Valley. Engage with local area tennis clubs, professionals and coaches to ensure success and profitability.
Benefits of membership
Benefits of membership
Benefits of membership
Benefits of Membership Connect with others at your level and play regularly in weekly Blocks, summer and/or winter. We’re organizing clinics with local and visiting pros, and exchanges or “friendlies” with other out of the area clubs and we’re hitting the gym to stay in shape during the off-season tennis months. We have socials so you can
Benefits of Membership Connect with others at your level and play regularly in weekly Blocks, summer and/or winter. We’re organizing clinics with local and visiting pros, and exchanges or “friendlies” with other out of the area clubs and we’re hitting the gym to stay in shape during the off-season tennis months. We have socials so you can meet other players and have some fun! *Membership in Wood River Tennis is currently free to all.*
Partner with us
Benefits of membership
Benefits of membership
We are creating partnerships with local pros, clubs, and trainers to grow and support the tennis community in our Valley. We can connect you! Wood River Tennis is the source for tennis news in our Valley. Please email info@woodrivertennis.org to discuss how we can work together to support our missions.
Our Partners
Join our community of tennis players and stay connected.