Fun, easy, organized tennis. “Blocks” are reserved weekly court times on the same day and time, open to **3.5 to 4.5 level adult and teen players, not for beginners.** Sign up to play two months at a time. Winter blocks run November 1 - April 30 or May 31 at Gravity Fitness & Tennis. Contact us to get started.
Come play! This is a self-service system. When you sign up to play as a regular, you own the spot on the court.
1) Regular players get priority over subs.
2) You choose the dates when you can play based on the best "row," based on your availability.
3) If you cannot play, it's up to you to contact a sub from the sub list. There are at least six subs on each of the sheets. Request a sub who is at the same playing level for the best player experience.
Make sure you know how to use the APP:
1) Choose the day you want to play from the tab at the bottom of the sheet.
2) Add your name to a row. The GREEN box means you're ON to play; WHITE means you're OFF. Write "yes" in a green box to confirm and "avail" in a white box to indicate you are available to play.
3) If you cannot play, write "sub" in a green box temporarily. Replace "sub" with sub's name after you confirm your sub.**Check the sheet often to ensure your availability is accurate.
WRT captains use Google Sheets APP for scheduling and GroupMe APP for communications. Download both APPS to your smartphone; create online accounts to access these from your computer. For ladies doubles CLICK HERE to request "edit" access to the Google Sheets. Click on these link(s) to request to join these GroupMe chat groups:
Winter 24-25 Tennis @ Gravity Women
Summer 2025 Tennis @ Everywhere
We provide APP Training as needed.